
Happy Story in finding a work life balance. TL;DR and Dog Tax at the bottom

Are posts like this even allowed here? I hope so. So, I've worked my current job for over 8 years. Retail grocery full timer. 48 hours a week 6 days a week. For a long time it wasn't a job I hated…until it was. Slowly over the last 3.5 years our staffing slowly started to dwindle. Covid hit and really decimated us. As Covid became less of concern and as some would say, “As we learn to live with it” we naively thought maybe our staffing issue would improve. It didn't and frustration continued to build. I rode it out longer than most. In my current position I make $19 an hour. Had 3 weeks of vacation, 2 weeks of sick time and 1 week of PTO. Backed by a union. What would all seem like a great gig. I was also pretty comfortable with the job. I had open…

Are posts like this even allowed here? I hope so.

So, I've worked my current job for over 8 years. Retail grocery full timer. 48 hours a week 6 days a week. For a long time it wasn't a job I hated…until it was. Slowly over the last 3.5 years our staffing slowly started to dwindle. Covid hit and really decimated us. As Covid became less of concern and as some would say, “As we learn to live with it” we naively thought maybe our staffing issue would improve. It didn't and frustration continued to build. I rode it out longer than most. In my current position I make $19 an hour. Had 3 weeks of vacation, 2 weeks of sick time and 1 week of PTO. Backed by a union. What would all seem like a great gig. I was also pretty comfortable with the job.

I had open availability, so working day, night and weekends was a regular occurrence. Those who have worked retail grocery know the deal. Despite all of the above for the first time in my working life (16 years) I was pretty unhappy. Enough to know my time in that job was numbered.

A year ago, I adopted a very sweet, 3 year old Basset/Beagle Hound. It was a perfect time as it had been a few years since I had a dog. I knew my quality of life would improve despite my unhappiness at work. From the moment I got her home and over the past year, she is everything I imagined. Snuggle buddy, Hiking Buddy.

I told my self I was going to begin to look for another job for her. It was kind of a passive search because 8 years was a lot to give up on.

4 weeks ago a General Store Manager accused me of not being engaged and not working hard enough. “I'm not threatening your job but perhaps if you can't engage, you should find another job….” He simply made the assumption off of a few early out punches that week. He had no discussion with the Assistant store manager in charge of the department, no discussion with the Department manager and no discussion with the food service manager who I worked most directly under. When I told the department manager and the food service manager the discussion I had with the GSM they were shocked and really didn't know what to say. They had no idea where that discussion came from.

The moment the GSM said, “Find another Job” was the moment it clicked and I knew I had nothing left to give to that job. That night I drafted my resignation letter, knowing soon I'd be turning it in.

To whom it may concern,

Consider this my notice that my last day of employment will be Friday, October 14th 2022

I'd like to thank you for the last 8 years.Professionally I've learned valuable skills along the way. Skill sets that I will take with me in future endeavors. On a personal level I've learned that working is something I really enjoy. I enjoy coming to work, working hard and fully engaging in my expected responsibilities.

It saddens me that my career journey with Ronetco has to end, but it's glaringly apparent upper management doesn't appreciate hard work and the efforts put in. This used to be a great company and a great place to work.

An inability to fix equipment in a timely fashion, failure of senior management to take proper steps to staff a department and frankly the entire store. Allowing some employees to get away with excessive lates and call outs while others are given a hard time for clocking out 3-5 minutes early.(that's the system that's in place. 7 minutes before and 7 minutes after). Yet, punching in early nearly everyday, giving 2-3 minutes back off lunch everyday to be back in the department isn't a valid argument.

To be told “you're not engaged within the department” when in fact I'm more engaged with the department, my work, my direct managers and other co workers than nearly any other employee in the department is frankly insulting and disrespectful.

To say all of the above without asking your ASM in charge of the department, without talking to the appy manager or the food service manager, asking if they felt I wasn't engaged is unprofessional and shows poor judgement. It shows a lack of forward thinking that only results in demotivation and pushing your best employees out the door.

In the last 2 years, How many long time employees have left the company, from supervisors all the way down?  Take a long look at what you're doing wrong. Maybe try caring “More deeply about people”(employees)” and less about your profits and lining your pockets. That's in the first line of the company's purpose in case you've forgotten.

I'd be happy to spend my last 2 weeks training and transitioning my replacement, but seeing the ongoing staffing situation, I won't be replaced.

It took about a 2 weeks to secure a new full time job.

No more nights, no more weekends. Unlimited optional Over Time for those who want it/need it. Better health benefits( although more expensive). Lots of PTO (17 days), Most major holidays off with pay (8 of them). I go from a 20 minute commute to 7 Minutes. Lots of room for fast advancement and growth with the company.

I did take a pay cut, but not so much that it will effect me that adversely. However I have 10 hours of OT built into my regular schedule. I go from working 48 hours in 6 days, to 50 hours in 5 days. Which isn't a big deal to me. And because of the built in OT my pay cut is almost nothing.

The newfound freedom and work life balance alone is more than enough to outweigh any of the negatives of the new job.

I handed my letter in right at the 2 week notice and never looked back. I decided I was burning the bridge, (Because no way, no matter how desperate in the future, could I go back) but would mostly honor the two weeks just to watch the world burn, watching them react to me actually leaving. It's been a blast. Getting paid out my last two weeks absolutely not giving a single shit. I did call out 3 days out of the 2 weeks to hike with the dog up in the Catskills. I am very much looking forward to more of that on the weekends and afternoons/evenings when the days begin to get longer.

So, this Friday is my last day! My dog is thrilled. I am thrilled! Never did I think my biggest driving factor of finding a new job, would be my dog. But getting more time with her is absolutely worth it. I just needed the push the GSM gave me. Always keep your eyes open for new opportunities, don't be afraid to make the change and take the leap.

TL;DR: Quit my 6 day a week, 48 hour a week retail grocery job because of my dog. Ended up with a better job, better work life balance and ultimately more happiness and a better quality of life.

Dog Tax

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