
Harassed and called names

Been working at a Canadian grocery store for about 5 months now in a produce department and today was my last day. Ever since i started working at this place my department manager has treated me badly. The day started off with him complaining that i didn’t trim the organic produce first in the morning and did the conventional produce first (this has never been an issue before but he does this a lot where he complains about something he has never mentioned before), following this he was unhappy with how i cut some green onions and busted out a tape measure to show me how I didn’t cut every green onion on the shelf to be the same length. This is where it went down hill fast, he could tell i was getting a bit frustrated and followed me around saying stuff like “Do you have a problem with…

Been working at a Canadian grocery store for about 5 months now in a produce department and today was my last day. Ever since i started working at this place my department manager has treated me badly. The day started off with him complaining that i didn’t trim the organic produce first in the morning and did the conventional produce first (this has never been an issue before but he does this a lot where he complains about something he has never mentioned before), following this he was unhappy with how i cut some green onions and busted out a tape measure to show me how I didn’t cut every green onion on the shelf to be the same length. This is where it went down hill fast, he could tell i was getting a bit frustrated and followed me around saying stuff like “Do you have a problem with me telling you what to do or something? This is my department so deal with it”, I thought this was the end of it as he disappeared for a bit but he returned and got right up in my face and said “If you want me off your back then just do things exactly the way i want them it’s not that hard unless you are an idiot or something are you an idiot?“ thats when i just dropped what i was doing said i quit and walked out. I am now in the process of filing a complaint with HR but he is well known for this behaviour so I don’t expect much to come from it.

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