
Hardworking boomer retires – guess what they do?

This woman has been here 25 years and works hard. She's literally the backbone of this place so we need someone with skills. The pay sucks but with her 2% raises she's up to a decent salary I do not know what she makes but I do know she is not rich. She's the boomer with that work ethic that people don't have anymore because what's the point?? They posted for her job and got an applicant with 15 years experience. Her resume is perfect and she comes highly recommended. We're not going to get her because it's cheaper to get someone with no experience. Her minimum salary requested is low honestly and they still won't pay it.

This woman has been here 25 years and works hard. She's literally the backbone of this place so we need someone with skills. The pay sucks but with her 2% raises she's up to a decent salary I do not know what she makes but I do know she is not rich. She's the boomer with that work ethic that people don't have anymore because what's the point??

They posted for her job and got an applicant with 15 years experience. Her resume is perfect and she comes highly recommended. We're not going to get her because it's cheaper to get someone with no experience. Her minimum salary requested is low honestly and they still won't pay it.

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