Hi everyone, the title sounds a little drastic but I'd be intrigued to know if anybody has took a large sabbatical from their work/career to re-haul their life, health, mental health.. the whole lot.
I feel like I need a clean start, the corporate world I've found myself in for work is soul sapping. I'm miserable all the time, I don't have any passions, I don't know what I want.. I'm just lost, I feel like an empty vessel just coasting along, feigning happiness where appropriate. And the temptation is there to use my savings to fund a year perhaps of just re-discovery, therapy, exercise, self-improvement and a real assessment of my work/career.
Have any of you actually done this, and how did it end up? It's such a daunting thought, obviously it could lead down a steeper decline of misery and frustration. And from a financial perspective it's obviously an absolutely terrible idea. But I don't think I can continue this life and work how I am right now, every day is just an absolute grind.