
Has anyone else ever quit on day 1?

Hey! Reading all those posts here and from other subs made me feel sorry for some of the people. Finding work is tough for mostly everyone around the world, but you should not put up with the abuse. I remember when I was in school I applied to McDonalds and I quit on day 1, because the manager of that place was yelling at me. I got there, I had no idea what to do and nobody told me what should I do and I thought I have to wait there. So I was standing there and waiting and suddenly the manager comes out and starts yelling at me like: “The f*** you standing here?!! Do something! You're just standing”. I told her to eff off and left immediately. I am just sad, because I know there are many people here putting up with such managers. The good thing is…


Reading all those posts here and from other subs made me feel sorry for some of the people. Finding work is tough for mostly everyone around the world, but you should not put up with the abuse.

I remember when I was in school I applied to McDonalds and I quit on day 1, because the manager of that place was yelling at me. I got there, I had no idea what to do and nobody told me what should I do and I thought I have to wait there. So I was standing there and waiting and suddenly the manager comes out and starts yelling at me like: “The f*** you standing here?!! Do something! You're just standing”.

I told her to eff off and left immediately. I am just sad, because I know there are many people here putting up with such managers. The good thing is I went immediately to other job interview at one restaurant. I received the training there and instructions on how everything should be cleaned etc and it wasn't bad. I actually miss this job and this place sometimes, but the salary was extremely low.

Has anyone else quit on day 1? What did you do after that?

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