
Has anyone else noticed how working in corporate has has slowly changed/squashed their fun-loving personality?

I'm 30 now, but when I think back to my younger days, especially in school and uni – I had a completely different personality. While I know we mature with age, I don't think we're supposed to feel like zombies. I can actually pin point when it happened, it was within my first two years of working in corporate. Think about it and let me know if it's the same for you. God forbid you say what you think, or have a personality around a group with varying sensitivities and triggers who may run to HR. Must act professional or you won't be taken seriously. Gotta kiss your bosses ass so your career will progress. Learn the fine art of mindless small talk and pointless meetings. Over time, I hypothesise this fundamentally warps your personality or kills it out of a need to conform. I look around at tradesmen and…

I'm 30 now, but when I think back to my younger days, especially in school and uni – I had a completely different personality. While I know we mature with age, I don't think we're supposed to feel like zombies. I can actually pin point when it happened, it was within my first two years of working in corporate. Think about it and let me know if it's the same for you.

God forbid you say what you think, or have a personality around a group with varying sensitivities and triggers who may run to HR. Must act professional or you won't be taken seriously. Gotta kiss your bosses ass so your career will progress. Learn the fine art of mindless small talk and pointless meetings. Over time, I hypothesise this fundamentally warps your personality or kills it out of a need to conform.

I look around at tradesmen and although they are battered physically, mentally they're the happiest people I know. They have personalities and can joke around.

WFH has been a lifesaver in that at least I don't have to physically be in that soul draining open office but it's not a full escape.

What are your thoughts/experience on this?

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