
Has anyone ever been suspended for 3 days and kept their job after?

My husband has had a semi toxic work environment for a number of years. Especially so after his previous boss moved away from the company and new boss started. New boss is an asshole and doesn’t appear to like my husband. The company they work for is in multiple states and hubby and boss are in different states. Hubby has carried his location’s department since the location opened, almost a decade ago. Hubby had a leadership role and managed several others in the department. Boss did away with this and made himself the sole person in charge, hubby was given a new title without a dock in pay. Hubby made a mistake a year ago, nothing major and was corrected. Boss wrote him up. Last week some shit blew up. Hubby received an email while on vacation. Automatic out of office reply went through. Another person in the department verbally…

My husband has had a semi toxic work environment for a number of years. Especially so after his previous boss moved away from the company and new boss started. New boss is an asshole and doesn’t appear to like my husband. The company they work for is in multiple states and hubby and boss are in different states. Hubby has carried his location’s department since the location opened, almost a decade ago. Hubby had a leadership role and managed several others in the department. Boss did away with this and made himself the sole person in charge, hubby was given a new title without a dock in pay. Hubby made a mistake a year ago, nothing major and was corrected. Boss wrote him up. Last week some shit blew up. Hubby received an email while on vacation. Automatic out of office reply went through. Another person in the department verbally responded to the issue. Coworker became first point of contact. Hubby didn’t respond after returning back to work because someone else had become point of contact. OP of email is a coworker with a hair trigger temper who has a close relationship with executives of company. OP blew up at my hubby verbally because issue in email hadn’t been resolved and later emailed hubby and executives, but not hubby’s coworker who was point of contact. Because of this, hubby was written up and suspended for 3 days.
Because of all of this, I’m terrified that he is going to get fired. He makes 3x more than I do, he and our children have health insurance through his work and we cannot live on my income alone. I’m trying to convince him to immediately and aggressively look for a new job. He wants to take his time and be selective.
We live in the US, in a “right to work” state. Has anyone ever had a similar experience and kept their job? Any suggestions on what to do? Hubby suffers from anxiety and mild ptsd. He is a veteran too, so if you know of anything that helps vets in situations like this please share. I’m fucking scared.

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