
Has anyone got in trouble for avoiding webcams/refusing to turn them on?

Honestly I DESPISE cameras because I have pretty severe body and face dysmorphia – I can’t look at myself in mirrors or reflections or cameras without it triggering extreme self loathing and depression. Most jobs I’ve had working remotely don’t really care about webcams but I’m starting a new job on Monday and they’ve just sent an email telling us that webcams are mandatory at all times for the 4 weeks training on Zoom. I’m already thinking of quitting. I just can’t do it. I just want to do the job. I’m happy speaking on microphone and getting involved but I know as soon as I put the webcam on I’m going to be so fidgety and anxious and constantly glancing at myself and feeling ugly and I’ll just impulsively quit. Should I try put vaseline or tape over the webcam? Would that be kind of obvious?

Honestly I DESPISE cameras because I have pretty severe body and face dysmorphia – I can’t look at myself in mirrors or reflections or cameras without it triggering extreme self loathing and depression. Most jobs I’ve had working remotely don’t really care about webcams but I’m starting a new job on Monday and they’ve just sent an email telling us that webcams are mandatory at all times for the 4 weeks training on Zoom.

I’m already thinking of quitting. I just can’t do it. I just want to do the job. I’m happy speaking on microphone and getting involved but I know as soon as I put the webcam on I’m going to be so fidgety and anxious and constantly glancing at myself and feeling ugly and I’ll just impulsively quit.

Should I try put vaseline or tape over the webcam? Would that be kind of obvious?

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