
Has anyone here ever had a boss who was always there to micromanage you on the dumbest things, but never actually there when you needed them?

I was thinking back to the worst job I ever had and how deeply involved the psycho owner of this business was with the minutiae of the business, but completely absent from anything important. I had my own desk and computer, and I set them up in the ways that made me comfortable and more productive. But since this business was an extension of his ego he'd often times just take over my desk and re-arrange my desktop icons, or change settings in a program, or move things around on my desk because HE didn't like how they looked. A couple times I'd sit down at my desk first thing in the morning to find he just changed the settings on everything after I had clocked out the night before. If I had stray papers on my desk he'd flip out that I was making a mess….Yet his office looked…

I was thinking back to the worst job I ever had and how deeply involved the psycho owner of this business was with the minutiae of the business, but completely absent from anything important.

I had my own desk and computer, and I set them up in the ways that made me comfortable and more productive. But since this business was an extension of his ego he'd often times just take over my desk and re-arrange my desktop icons, or change settings in a program, or move things around on my desk because HE didn't like how they looked. A couple times I'd sit down at my desk first thing in the morning to find he just changed the settings on everything after I had clocked out the night before. If I had stray papers on my desk he'd flip out that I was making a mess….Yet his office looked like a paper factory exploded in it.

I've often said that there's a correlation between business owners who act like it's the end of the world if you're 3 minutes late, business owners who miss the big picture, and businesses that are failing. All these applied to the owner, who would get into rages if I hit traffic on my 1+ hour one-way commute on a busy interstate.

Yet he was completely absent when I actually needed him there. He was one of those business owners who wanted their business to be like a passive income for them – They set the place up, then have everyone else do the work while they sit in their office with the door closed or just don't show up.

Any time a crisis happened he was never around. Of course he never trained us how to deal with certain recurring crises, and he never answered his phone when he really needed to reach him, so we'd use executive decision-making to solve the problems. Of course, no matter how successful we were in solving the issues he never liked it. He never thanked us for going above and beyond – We'd be busting ass and he'd just find a way to shit on us.

When I was new my training consisted of fucking up and getting yelled at. If I didn't hear a peep from owner-man then that meant I did everything right. But since I was learning and wasn't trained I had to ask a lot of questions. I had one particular project that was causing me some headaches, and I needed a lot of help.

After asking him for help several times in one day already, I had a massive problem I needed help with. His response? “NO MORE QUESTIONS! I'M SICK OF QUESTIONS!”

So with no guidance I ended up having to figure it out on my own. I ended up not being correct in my process, and it resulted in a mistake that cost the business about $4,000. And of course I got yelled at. But had this shit-head taken 5 minutes at most to come over and guide me through the issue I was having, he could've saved himself $4,000.

tl;dr: Most people shouldn't own businesses.

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