
Has anyone left a job and not paid back tuition costs?

When I left my old job I owed them about $8k for tuition that they paid to my school for me. I was supposed to repay it but they never asked for it…so I just never paid. That was 3 years ago. Never heard anything about it since. Now I'm leaving my current job and I owe about $12k this time. Considering just ignoring anything they send me on the matter as they are a large company and its honestly probably not worth their time. Just curious if anyone was in the same boat and never repaid. How did it turn out for you?

When I left my old job I owed them about $8k for tuition that they paid to my school for me. I was supposed to repay it but they never asked for it…so I just never paid. That was 3 years ago. Never heard anything about it since. Now I'm leaving my current job and I owe about $12k this time. Considering just ignoring anything they send me on the matter as they are a large company and its honestly probably not worth their time. Just curious if anyone was in the same boat and never repaid. How did it turn out for you?

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