
Has anyone watched Star Trek: Deep Space Nine recently?

There's an episode where the restaurant workers and casino workers of Quark's bar go on strike and unionize in response to the abuses of their boss, everyone's favorite Ferengi, Quark. They put up with his shit for years, and during a holiday where business was slow, he decides to cut everyone's wages by a third and expects to be thanked for it, because “he'd have to fire half of them otherwise”. His brother confirms it's actually just a way to make more profit rather to avoid losses. My thought when I saw that is “wow, that's familiar”, and also “wow, employers in the USA would cut employees wages by a third AND THEN fire half of them” so we're living in a reality where employers are worse than Ferengi. The rest of the episode features all the hits, Quark attempting to automate the workers at his bar, and strike breakers…

There's an episode where the restaurant workers and casino workers of Quark's bar go on strike and unionize in response to the abuses of their boss, everyone's favorite Ferengi, Quark.

They put up with his shit for years, and during a holiday where business was slow, he decides to cut everyone's wages by a third and expects to be thanked for it, because “he'd have to fire half of them otherwise”. His brother confirms it's actually just a way to make more profit rather to avoid losses.

My thought when I saw that is “wow, that's familiar”, and also “wow, employers in the USA would cut employees wages by a third AND THEN fire half of them” so we're living in a reality where employers are worse than Ferengi.

The rest of the episode features all the hits, Quark attempting to automate the workers at his bar, and strike breakers being sent to beat up the people responsible. Captain Sisko lays down the law and Quark will lose all the benefits that he's been given for operating his bar if he chooses not to settle with the strikers. That's better than the USA as well because the government wouldn't dare take away bennies for companies that are trying to break strikes.

I just wanted to put this in the sub. Deep Space Nine was brilliant. RIP Sean Aloysius O'Brien.

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