
Has this happend to you

Im a hourly employee and work for the largest hvac corp in america who did 6.3 billion in sales last year. Im a counter sales person and worked my ass off, made 2+million in sales last year for my branch, I took home before tax about 50k. I havent had a review or recieved a raise in 2 years. I was barely floating above water financially and now im drowning. Days ago i asked my manager for a raise i plead my case and ended with, at the end of the day i know the value i bring to the company and would like to feel appreciated financially. He replied with, there is a huge chain of command who would have to approve somthing like that ..BS..BS… And last thing he said was “at the end of the day when i was a counterman i only cared that i worked…

Im a hourly employee and work for the largest hvac corp in america who did 6.3 billion in sales last year. Im a counter sales person and worked my ass off, made 2+million in sales last year for my branch, I took home before tax about 50k. I havent had a review or recieved a raise in 2 years. I was barely floating above water financially and now im drowning. Days ago i asked my manager for a raise i plead my case and ended with, at the end of the day i know the value i bring to the company and would like to feel appreciated financially. He replied with, there is a huge chain of command who would have to approve somthing like that ..BS..BS… And last thing he said was “at the end of the day when i was a counterman i only cared that i worked hard everyday and did everything to help the company succeeded and not how much money i made. Im still stunned. Has this scenario happend to anyone else? Is this common practice everywhere else?

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