
Has your office become the Confession Room, too?

The Bard says that a house divided against itself cannot stand but here we go… The company building is split into two sections, these sections used to be administrative and technical but after a merge the separation has blurred. What has stayed is that administrative section is the positive office where the circle jerk takes place and “we're on top of the world”, whereas the technical section is the place of fixing oopsies and “I can't believe we're still in business”. This is known and tolerated – up to a point – but people from the administration have started going to the technical areas whenever they need to vent and air all the grievances that they do not dare speak openly in their own area, knowing that they'll find a listening ear. Things like “The managers are crazy, irrational, i spent three hours fixing their mistakes, my partner is useless…

The Bard says that a house divided against itself cannot stand but here we go…
The company building is split into two sections, these sections used to be administrative and technical but after a merge the separation has blurred.
What has stayed is that administrative section is the positive office where the circle jerk takes place and “we're on top of the world”, whereas the technical section is the place of fixing oopsies and “I can't believe we're still in business”.

This is known and tolerated – up to a point – but people from the administration have started going to the technical areas whenever they need to vent and air all the grievances that they do not dare speak openly in their own area, knowing that they'll find a listening ear.
Things like “The managers are crazy, irrational, i spent three hours fixing their mistakes, my partner is useless etc.”

Therefore at joint meetings administratives are the shiny happy people and technicals are the doomy gloomy ones, with both sides dismissing the other because “you have no idea of the skeletons stacked in your closets” and “you fall for every rumour”.

Does your place suffer from schizophrenia as well?

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