
Hate my new job already.

Highest paying job I’ve had and only on the first week of training. I was doing great but things have kinda turned bad just today. I studied after work and during work I would study during my breaks over the training material. I usually know more and help the other trainees walk through work orders. Yet if I dont know something I get lectured more than others and I had enough today. The trainer asked me to not post work memes on the chat (I wasn’t the only one) I said I understand and I apologized but she went on for so long I get red and hot and embarrassed. I kept apologizing but she wouldn’t stop kept saying not trying to be rude but and then was rude. So I asked if work memes are unprofessional and I’m getting called out for it. Which I understand the need to…

Highest paying job I’ve had and only on the first week of training. I was doing great but things have kinda turned bad just today.

I studied after work and during work I would study during my breaks over the training material. I usually know more and help the other trainees walk through work orders. Yet if I dont know something I get lectured more than others and I had enough today.

The trainer asked me to not post work memes on the chat (I wasn’t the only one) I said I understand and I apologized but she went on for so long I get red and hot and embarrassed. I kept apologizing but she wouldn’t stop kept saying not trying to be rude but and then was rude.
So I asked if work memes are unprofessional and I’m getting called out for it. Which I understand the need to address it. why is it that people on the zoom training who swear are not. Is professionalism during zoom not an issue? Because I’ve heard trainers and trainees swear consistently and yet no one has addressed that.

She told me she only said “what the hell”

I responded that I wasn’t calling anyone out I’ve heard and seen extremely unprofessional mannerism on zoom from everyone and yet no one has addressed it that’s all I’m saying.

Honestly you could tell everyone was shocked but I got tired of working so hard being so polite and professional. Dressing up etc. Hearing and seeing people bring there kids/babies on the zoom training yell and curse in it and in the background. And they say that I need to be professional for posting a work meme on the training chat line. And rant about it for 10mins.

Why can’t we just work without the weird social bullying crap

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