
Have an interview for a job I’m super qualified for. 30 K more a year than most jobs in the area. Only problem? I’m going to have to have major surgery so I don’t go into kidney failure( next two months) Should I interview or not?

Part of me wants to be disingenuous, make 12 K in two months and then just dip when I have to take two months off to recover from a potentially life-saving surgery. Then again maybe they offer disability leave. I’m just a little torn and I don’t quite know what to do yet. Thoughts would be greatly appreciated. The initial interview screening went very very well by the way.

Part of me wants to be disingenuous, make 12 K in two months and then just dip when I have to take two months off to recover from a potentially life-saving surgery. Then again maybe they offer disability leave. I’m just a little torn and I don’t quite know what to do yet. Thoughts would be greatly appreciated. The initial interview screening went very very well by the way.

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