
Have anyone else recently quit a job and after that others start quitting as well?

So the end of last year I quitted a job I have worked at for a bit over 2 years. When I quit, I was still the newest employee. So basically what happen was since around summer last year (2021) we got over run bad since they didn't put more staff on shift to help us handle the increase in customers due to things opening up. We all knew this problem for a while and management wasn't doing anything about it. Finally one day I snapped and decided to quit. After handing in my notice, I got into a whole argument with my boss because he wasn't cool with me quitting then he wanted me to stay anyways without offering a raise or making change. So after I left other people started quitting as well like one by one. Over the course of a few month about half of the…

So the end of last year I quitted a job I have worked at for a bit over 2 years. When I quit, I was still the newest employee. So basically what happen was since around summer last year (2021) we got over run bad since they didn't put more staff on shift to help us handle the increase in customers due to things opening up. We all knew this problem for a while and management wasn't doing anything about it. Finally one day I snapped and decided to quit. After handing in my notice, I got into a whole argument with my boss because he wasn't cool with me quitting then he wanted me to stay anyways without offering a raise or making change. So after I left other people started quitting as well like one by one. Over the course of a few month about half of the original staff have quit. Some of the people are still there today and I think they're struggling to hire new people. It would be cool if we all walked out at once, but I think my old coworkers weren't down with that. I think they were all scared to quit because they don't want to be the first to quit, so I had to do it. I think that's the push they need to quit. Has anyone else experience something similar, like one person quit then other people follow as well?

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