
Have food poisoning and my boyfriend texted my boss on my behalf due to me passing out in my bathroom…

I thought I was sick due to a new medication I was on (I had been sick from it previously and symptoms were similar) but my boyfriend had smoked salmon this past Sunday and he was sick as well. Definitely not the extent I was, and he texted my boss at 6am to let her know that there was no way I was well enough to come in. I was incapacitated, hadn’t slept through the night whatsoever and was unable to keep water down from how sick I was. My boss texted back that our CEO wouldn’t accept a text message call out and I needed to leave a voicemail. I haven’t responded.

I thought I was sick due to a new medication I was on (I had been sick from it previously and symptoms were similar) but my boyfriend had smoked salmon this past Sunday and he was sick as well. Definitely not the extent I was, and he texted my boss at 6am to let her know that there was no way I was well enough to come in. I was incapacitated, hadn’t slept through the night whatsoever and was unable to keep water down from how sick I was. My boss texted back that our CEO wouldn’t accept a text message call out and I needed to leave a voicemail. I haven’t responded.

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