
Have I potentially ended a supervisor’s prospects of becoming a manager

Hi Reddit, first time poster long time lurker, I (36m) recently sent an email to my manager (H) at the branch of the company I work for, asking about my disciplinary status. For context the reason I sent the email, rather than keep my head down and carry on, is because I was talking to a colleague after he’d had a disciplinary meeting with H and all of his reasons for being disciplined were dropped, because our supervisor (A) had not followed procedures when doing investigations and follow up meetings and thus there was missing paperwork/evidence in this case. Now, this conversation reminded me that A had put me on a written warning a few months ago. I won’t go into details, but I accepted responsibility for what I’d done wrong and accepted the written warning. As far as I know a written warning is exactly that, you get a…

Hi Reddit, first time poster long time lurker, I (36m) recently sent an email to my manager (H) at the branch of the company I work for, asking about my disciplinary status.

For context the reason I sent the email, rather than keep my head down and carry on, is because I was talking to a colleague after he’d had a disciplinary meeting with H and all of his reasons for being disciplined were dropped, because our supervisor (A) had not followed procedures when doing investigations and follow up meetings and thus there was missing paperwork/evidence in this case.

Now, this conversation reminded me that A had put me on a written warning a few months ago. I won’t go into details, but I accepted responsibility for what I’d done wrong and accepted the written warning.
As far as I know a written warning is exactly that, you get a letter detailing what you’ve done and the copy is put on your file and you sign to accept the judgment etc.
This is the thing, I haven’t received a letter nor have I been asked to sign anything and the disciplinary happened several months ago. Normally you get a week to appeal to a regional manager, but I chose not to because I accepted the judgement.

So, I sent an email to H asking for clarification on my disciplinary status because I wanted piece of mind, detailing what I felt I should have been asked to do and what has not happened.

Now, some background info on A. A is one of four supervisors and actively trying to move up the ladder into more senior management. Out of the four, A is the least competent for a management position. A has dragged out several colleagues, who happen to be brown, for infractions I know he hasn’t done for white colleagues. A also told H another colleague had a bad attitude. This led H to deny the same colleague a secondment when they applied, just on the basis of A’s opinion.

Now, if my disciplinary has been conducted by any of A’s three colleagues, I wouldn’t have even bothered emailing H, but I genuinely don’t think A should be anywhere near a senior management position. But if my email gets any traction, A will struggle to go anywhere but sideways in the company we work for. And there’s a niggle in the back of my mind that fucking A over makes me the AH.

So Reddit hit me with some truth.

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