
Having a male boss who can’t comprehend woman’s health issues…

I have to get a blood test related to my menstrual cycle for gynaecology issues. I’ve had this test arranged for 3 separate days this week but had to rearrange because my period hasn’t started yet and it needs to be done over my period. My boss got annoyed at me and said he wanted me to pin down an exact time and date I would be offline (for an hour), but he just can’t comprehend why I can’t give him this. It’s like he expects me to be able to switch my cycle on and off at will… And it’s not even like it’s a huge deal when I’m off because I work in IT. I can work from home. He’s just a real pain in the neck about anyone taking time off for anything. I’ve mentioned before that I took this job and about how flexibility is a…

I have to get a blood test related to my menstrual cycle for gynaecology issues. I’ve had this test arranged for 3 separate days this week but had to rearrange because my period hasn’t started yet and it needs to be done over my period.

My boss got annoyed at me and said he wanted me to pin down an exact time and date I would be offline (for an hour), but he just can’t comprehend why I can’t give him this. It’s like he expects me to be able to switch my cycle on and off at will…

And it’s not even like it’s a huge deal when I’m off because I work in IT. I can work from home. He’s just a real pain in the neck about anyone taking time off for anything. I’ve mentioned before that I took this job and about how flexibility is a deal breaker for me because I’m a carer to two disabled kids and my parents are in bad health. This is why I retained in IT in the first place… for the work life balance.

I’ve been in this job 6 weeks and I’m already sick of it.

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