
Heard a guy screaming at fast food workers:

“You don’t deserve to get paid $15 an hour. You should HAVE to work two jobs if you choose this lifestyle. YOU’RE WHAT’S CAUSING INFLATION”. A grown, older white dude just going off on a Burger King because he had to wait 15 minutes for his meal. These people are running the country and these people don’t think you deserve to have a living wage or dignity. He tried to get me in on his rant as I had been waiting even longer. I replied “I’m not with you motherfucker”. He stormed out without his food when told a manager wouldn’t speak with him screaming. These childish, entitled fucks are keeping the working class down AND humiliate strangers when not instantly gratified. Do not take their shit. Stand with the wage working folks.

“You don’t deserve to get paid $15 an hour. You should HAVE to work two jobs if you choose this lifestyle. YOU’RE WHAT’S CAUSING INFLATION”.

A grown, older white dude just going off on a Burger King because he had to wait 15 minutes for his meal. These people are running the country and these people don’t think you deserve to have a living wage or dignity. He tried to get me in on his rant as I had been waiting even longer. I replied “I’m not with you motherfucker”. He stormed out without his food when told a manager wouldn’t speak with him screaming.

These childish, entitled fucks are keeping the working class down AND humiliate strangers when not instantly gratified.

Do not take their shit. Stand with the wage working folks.

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