
Hello, I quit a job a few weeks ago. I’ve been feeling the worst kind of burn out. I really don’t want to work anymore…

I used to work at UPS, and I enjoyed the job sure. Great pay, amazing benefits. However, they literally worked me to death. Or at least that's how I feel. Especially during peak. When I would work 8-9 hours starting from midnight. (The only shift was around 2 or 3 am to 8 or 9 am) “Normal hours” would've been 4-5 and sometimes 3, but when covid hit. That nearly doubled. I mean, I wasn't working 10 hours or something crazy, but the work load doubled, and then the bosses started to turn into micromangers. They wanted everything to be done at a certain time, and when they didn't get what they wanted. They would yell at us for doing a bad job. When we would try our best. And the yelling wasn't the worst part at all. -they would doc pay. All the time, and they would lie about…

I used to work at UPS, and I enjoyed the job sure. Great pay, amazing benefits. However, they literally worked me to death. Or at least that's how I feel. Especially during peak. When I would work 8-9 hours starting from midnight. (The only shift was around 2 or 3 am to 8 or 9 am) “Normal hours” would've been 4-5 and sometimes 3, but when covid hit.

That nearly doubled. I mean, I wasn't working 10 hours or something crazy, but the work load doubled, and then the bosses started to turn into micromangers. They wanted everything to be done at a certain time, and when they didn't get what they wanted. They would yell at us for doing a bad job. When we would try our best. And the yelling wasn't the worst part at all.

-they would doc pay. All the time, and they would lie about it too. They would bump up our pay for peak. Like from $15 to $21, and people get excited. Then, they immediately change it back after January. Which really sucks especially with how bad inflation is. And they do have yearly raises, but it's only once a year, and it's only like a dollar raise. They don't pay enough for how harsh it was.

-Management is legit horrible. They will yell at me for doing literally nothing. They scream at each other everyday. It's a shouting match and it's not fun to watch or listen to. (Even when I have earbuds jammed in my ear) They also cuss you out as well. I in no way. Don't want to hear that.

-work flow is all over the place. When peak or covid stopped. Work was relatively normal. However, they just don't know what they're doing? I don't know. They would literally send me from one area to the next. Only to find out that there's no work there, and then I have to walk all the way back to my starting area.

Only to find out there's no work there, and so. I'm standing for 3 to 4 hours doing nothing, but they don't send me home even though I have decent sonority built up at this point. They always send the new people home first. Which makes no sense at all, and keep us to deal with all the work that comes in it was so annoying. I've already been there since 2 am I'm already tired, but they do it anyway it was so frustrating.

-I was running around like a headless chicken, and so were they. It was mindboggling how bad it was and I didn't realize until recently. That hey! This place might be kind of toxic. I mean, it's really toxic. and I still have this fear that I'll never be able to recover working nights. I've felt this burnout for a long time now almost a year. I feel awful. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

People still ask my why I quit. This is why. Anytime I think about the place it just makes me angry and I get so much anxiety. I don't want to work like this ever again. In fact this place's negative energy just seeped through me and I don't want to work like that. I don't want to work anymore, but my parents keep saying “You gotta apply. You have to apply” bro I am barely existing right now. I don't know what to do. I have dreams and I'm working on it every day, but I'm just exhausted. I don't know how I'm going to recover.

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