
Help finding article about media

I'm looking for a set of articles I thought I saw at one point in this sub's reading list, but now I can't find it- hoping someone knows what I'm talking about. It's a series of 3 articles titled something like: “There Won't be a War in the Middle East”, “There is no war in the Middle East” and “There never was a war in the Middle East”. The general idea is that the media can sell any story they want to the population, even lies and illusions. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I'm looking for a set of articles I thought I saw at one point in this sub's reading list, but now I can't find it- hoping someone knows what I'm talking about. It's a series of 3 articles titled something like: “There Won't be a War in the Middle East”, “There is no war in the Middle East” and “There never was a war in the Middle East”. The general idea is that the media can sell any story they want to the population, even lies and illusions.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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