
Help! How do I confront a coworker?

How do I confront a coworker without losing my 1 day off? My work allows us to take 1 day off and trade coverage with another coworker. Ethel (not real name) has been my partner and it's always been great. Recently, another coworker (Harold) has told us he wanted to start trading as well. We were all a little hesitant as in the past he has been known to be one to complain if everything wasn't done on his desk that day. Our coverage are more along the lines of get emergency situations taken care of, and whatever else you can do. This is agreed to by our boses and in our handbook. Most everyone knows it's not perfect coverage and that is fine. Our jobs are also the type where customers complain/get upset fairly regularly and that's just how it is. We do what we can to help people…

How do I confront a coworker without losing my 1 day off?

My work allows us to take 1 day off and trade coverage with another coworker. Ethel (not real name) has been my partner and it's always been great. Recently, another coworker (Harold) has told us he wanted to start trading as well. We were all a little hesitant as in the past he has been known to be one to complain if everything wasn't done on his desk that day. Our coverage are more along the lines of get emergency situations taken care of, and whatever else you can do. This is agreed to by our boses and in our handbook. Most everyone knows it's not perfect coverage and that is fine. Our jobs are also the type where customers complain/get upset fairly regularly and that's just how it is. We do what we can to help people but there are always those people that love to be miserable and complain. Harold is also a newer employee and doesn't have as much experience as most of us. He's very much the brown-noser, stab you in the back type of person. Most of us are the just trying to survive in this corporate hellscape and do what is required of us type of people.

Well Harold just had his first day covering one of us. In that day, he forwarded numerous emails to the boss getting them involved with customers. There is literally no reason to do this. A quick email/call would have solved the issue but now he has caused massive problems with multiple customers that I am going to have to fix.

Myself and my other coworkers that trade coverage no longer want to include Harold. The problem is, even if we talk to him about it, he's not going to understand what he did wrong. Technically, he didn't do anything wrong that he could get in trouble for so it's not like I can complain to my boss about him.

How do we confront Harold and or tell him we are not able to provide or receive coverage from him without this blowing up?

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