
Help, how to do resignation letter :( bitch boss pushing me out.

Hello Reddit, Asian lady here in my 30’s (this will be relevant). Went to a good university and worked in various industries – engr, hospital, private doctors, tech, now freelancing and serving temporarily. I was working at a country club in Newport doing pool serving. I’m the ONLY Asian on serving staff. Most of them are college or high school and quite young and don’t  really care about work. I’m the oldest in our pool staff minus my boss. My boss is Melissa, a Caucasian lady around her 50’s? Kinda wrinkly and super skinny feeble looking. Long reddish brown wavy dry hair and thin lips. Trying to paint a picture of this witch I hope I’m giving the right pic lol. Anyways, I’m gonna share with you an email I'm planning to share with HR and maybe her direct boss. Might be editing so it's shorter since I'll be sending…

Hello Reddit, Asian lady here in my 30’s (this will be relevant). Went to a good university and worked in various industries – engr, hospital, private doctors, tech, now freelancing and serving temporarily. I was working at a country club in Newport doing pool serving. I’m the ONLY Asian on serving staff. Most of them are college or high school and quite young and don’t  really care about work. I’m the oldest in our pool staff minus my boss. My boss is Melissa, a Caucasian lady around her 50’s? Kinda wrinkly and super skinny feeble looking. Long reddish brown wavy dry hair and thin lips. Trying to paint a picture of this witch I hope I’m giving the right pic lol.

Anyways, I’m gonna share with you an email I'm planning to share with HR and maybe her direct boss. Might be editing so it's shorter since I'll be sending formal resignation letter.

Hi –,

I just wanted to update you on what was going on lately. I've been trying to come to work but after I got sick, Melissa has not scheduled me. Since then, I've been waiting and have also texted her to touch base because she did not update me for a long time. I heard she had hired someone new as well before I got sick. I wanted to help Jamie and take her open shift on the job board since she wasn't able to attend but Melissa took me off immediately about a few hours after. I'll attach a screenshot of the conversation.

Since the beginning, I strongly feel that Melissa has been pushing me out and especially targeting me. I've always asked if I can help her with anything and have tried to do as much as I can. I'd offer to help serve kid's camp but she said she and the other servers have it handled and sometimes left me hanging with no formal instructions, then proceeded to yell at me later. I do want to emphasize that I was not properly trained or given the correct information most times so it seems that Melissa would unreasonably chastise me more often. I've always made sure to correct any mistakes as soon as possible. If I forgot to do something, Melissa would shout at me in front of my coworkers. I have also observed that when other coworkers make worse or similar mistakes, she does not reprimand them, and sometimes ignores it and in fact, will laugh it off. One instance when all the co-workers were packing up leftover food from the buffet, she forcefully yanked the box from my hand, rolled her eyes and stated “Please just ask me next time if you're getting food.” Yet, other co-workers were packing food and she never called them out. She had also stated before that the food was getting tossed out and we could pack it.

In addition, I was always cut by Melissa earlier, and she made me take breaks even when I worked under 5 or 6 hours. Sometimes, I would work under 4 hours. Often I'd come back from taking a break, and she'd tell me I was cut early. You may reference it in my past Paycom timestamps. Unfortunately, I did not get enough hours even when I was working there. Despite that, I give 100% to the members and give them my full time and attention to make sure they are treated well. I have had great reviews from the members and even at other establishments.

At the company party on Aug 15, 2022, she came up to me while my friend was with me and her first words were “I'm shocked you're here….” followed by “this party is for hardworking employees… Only hard-working employees were invited” and kept repeating the same thing, making me feel very uncomfortable and disrespected. I introduced her to my friend Tina, but Melissa didn't extend a handshake or acknowledge her and continued to repeat that hard workers were invited. I asked how she was doing and if she got food already and was very cordial to her despite her treatment towards me. I calmly explained to her that I've been trying to work but asked why she didn't put me on the schedule but she dodged the question. I even asked if she'd like to speak in private because I didn't want to have a conversation in front of my friend– it would be rude. She ignored me again. Eventually, she left after harassing me, and my friend and I immediately lost our appetite and felt that my boss was incredibly rude and unprofessional. It made us feel very unwelcome. I'm afraid that she may have behaved the same had my parents been there instead of my family friend. I did not appreciate her attitude towards me and how she has been treating me.

I was speaking highly of the club to my friend and [she] was considering being a member to use the pool and spa services but was instantly turned off by Melissa's treatment towards me. If you'd like to contact her for more information about the incident, her name is ____. Her email is [-](mailto:[email protected])—.

Melissa has been creating a hostile work environment through her actions towards me in a position of power over me. I don't feel safe working in this negative environment.

I am happy to hop on a zoom call with you or whomever it concerns to discuss more in detail and clear any discrepancies. I've worked in various industries and have never experienced this type of behavior from a manager or co-worker.


I will edit but that’s the gist of the story. I’m planning to quit soon, I haven’t been scheduled anyways. And I’m applying for unemployment since working fri-sun isn’t sustainable at my other job. And my witch boss isn’t scheduling me on purpose. 

I don’t plan to incl this in my resume cuz it really doesn’t matter to me and I’m going towards tech now. I don’t know if I should CC HR. HR seems to not care and Melissa has been there longer so they seem to take her side. HR is shady too, they didn’t give me full covid sick pay I literally had to email her and break down the legal calculations then they paid me weeks later. This whole country club is just subpar and management is so lazy. I’ve offered to change their POS cuz I’m more tech savvy and I think my boss felt threatened by me. I just let it go they didn’t change it and the servers , incl her had to suffer the terrible UI UX and waste time figuring it out. She gets frazzled easily when stressed and is bad at stress management. Will yell at us. Also she used to be an elementary school teacher and went to banquet serving and now pool server from what I know. Her daughter is in HS, workers as server. Stands around a lot and doesnt seem to care much. I was hustling my ass at the pool sweating.

I'm also going to send a resignation letter. I'm not sure whether to include terms of constructive dismissal. I basically just want to say I'm resigning because I got pushed out by my boss who has continued to treat me like shit. I dont plan on sueing them but I have saved documents just in case. I've been researching constructive dismissal but it seems like I can't claim that unless I plan to sue? Can I use that term if I don't plan to sue?

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