
Help Me Make a List of Resources for People Who Need Help

I've noticed a large number of recent posts are from people who are ready to just give up: people who are so beaten and abused by capitalism, that the only thing keeping them going is knowing that their families will starve if they slow down. So I want to make a list of resources where people with these types of problems can find some relief, even if it's only a little. Every bit helps. This is where you guys come in. To start, I need to know what specific problems people are dealing with. And then as a community we can post the resources to help ease some of these problems, depending on location. How should this list be structured? I'm thinking organize it by specific issues, and then list helpful solutions or partial-solutions underneath for different locations. For example, “Employee Safety concerns” would have several resources listed under it,…

I've noticed a large number of recent posts are from people who are ready to just give up: people who are so beaten and abused by capitalism, that the only thing keeping them going is knowing that their families will starve if they slow down.

So I want to make a list of resources where people with these types of problems can find some relief, even if it's only a little. Every bit helps.

This is where you guys come in. To start, I need to know what specific problems people are dealing with. And then as a community we can post the resources to help ease some of these problems, depending on location. How should this list be structured? I'm thinking organize it by specific issues, and then list helpful solutions or partial-solutions underneath for different locations. For example, “Employee Safety concerns” would have several resources listed under it, organized by location, such as OSHA links for employees in the US to report the issues. Similar government organizations and their reporting links would be listed as well, labelled by country, etc.

Once I have something to start with, I'll make a separate post and edit it to add more and more resources as I get feedback.

Please, if you are experiencing hardship, post some general info here and include your geographic info. Others can respond with suggestions, links, or just general ideas. If you've experienced such a hardship in the past, please let us know what it was and how you overcame it. Answers and suggestions will be added to the master list in order to help other workers around the world overcome the system which was built to tear us down!

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