
Help me make sure I can claim unemployment if fired tomorrow.

I'm an assistant manager at a burrito restaurant in Illinois. The conflicts I've sorted through being in that position while also being an active member of this community has been nonstop. Ask me anything you want there. School is starting back up, which for us means a lot more traffic, but it also means we're losing a huge chunk of our staff. When I was offered this position I strictly laid out my conditions. One of which was no more than 8.5 hour shifts. Now that we are in this staffing predicament, I'm now seeing 10-11 hour shifts pop up on my schedule. The person temporarily in charge of the schedule is even higher up than the person I discussed my conditions with, and wasn't there for that talk. My plan is to go in tomorrow and let him know im not working extended hours, even just for a week.…

I'm an assistant manager at a burrito restaurant in Illinois. The conflicts I've sorted through being in that position while also being an active member of this community has been nonstop. Ask me anything you want there.

School is starting back up, which for us means a lot more traffic, but it also means we're losing a huge chunk of our staff. When I was offered this position I strictly laid out my conditions. One of which was no more than 8.5 hour shifts.

Now that we are in this staffing predicament, I'm now seeing 10-11 hour shifts pop up on my schedule. The person temporarily in charge of the schedule is even higher up than the person I discussed my conditions with, and wasn't there for that talk.

My plan is to go in tomorrow and let him know im not working extended hours, even just for a week. Work life balance is, for personal reasons, absolutely critical for my personal well being. And because this guy is old school I'm anticipating him trying to force my hand, but I already have the “adjust my schedule or fire me” card in my back pocket. And it's not a bluff. I agreed to 6 months of work under the conditions I've laid out. 5 months in and I already have better opportunities on the way. I have no problem breaking my end of the deal I'd they break theirs. However to make things slightly easier for me financially I'd prefer to work my full 6 months. And I'm hoping by ensuring my ability to claim unemployment will be enough for him to bend and just fix my schedule. Again, if that doesn't happen so be it.

The process of filing for unemployment is so exhausting, and last time I went down that road the employer managed to weasel their way out of it. So I just need to ensure I have everything I need. My only gameplan in the scenario of termination is to either get it in writing or just keep showing up at my regularly scheduled time. Any other suggestions or considerations are more than appreciated here.

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