
Help me work up the courage to finally quit.

I work pizza delivery. Been on this job for coming on 3 years by now. Pay is $7 an hour with tips. The wages don't even cover my monthly bills, so I'm relying on the kindness of strangers just to be able to eat. But I was holding on, for a while. A few days ago was my breaking point. So, all the drivers at my job are given a “performance score” out of 100 points, with a quota we need to stay above or else we risk termination. When I was hired, the quota was 90. It raised a few times over the years, and the other day they raised it to 98. Frustrated, I went to my boss and asked him “Hey, it's been 3 years of you tightening our leashes here, what's the ETA on an increase in compensation?” He looked at me like I had two…

I work pizza delivery. Been on this job for coming on 3 years by now. Pay is $7 an hour with tips. The wages don't even cover my monthly bills, so I'm relying on the kindness of strangers just to be able to eat. But I was holding on, for a while.

A few days ago was my breaking point. So, all the drivers at my job are given a “performance score” out of 100 points, with a quota we need to stay above or else we risk termination. When I was hired, the quota was 90. It raised a few times over the years, and the other day they raised it to 98.

Frustrated, I went to my boss and asked him “Hey, it's been 3 years of you tightening our leashes here, what's the ETA on an increase in compensation?” He looked at me like I had two heads, and his response was, paraphrasing, “No. You're just a driver, know your place. If you start opening or closing every shift then maybe I can bump you up to $8. Or if you really need money, the best driver every month has a chance to win a $100 gift card.”

The absolute audacity of this shook me. And it was at that point I knew that I needed to get the fuck out of there, even if I had to take something shitty like mcdonalds. But I'm very autistic and things that change what's “normal” for my life scare the shit out of me so I'm feeling really anxious. I already got scared out of just quitting on the spot cause of how the economy is right now.

So what should I do? What should I tell my boss when I do quit? Should I just quit now or wait until I have an offer? And if I'm waiting, how do I keep myself from fucking losing it until I have a new job?

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