
Help needed, unfair meeting incoming, what do I say? How do I say it?

To make a long story very short, it’s the old age day crew vs night crew situation. There are ten people on day crew, and three on nights, not including management. All nights but one (Friday) we only have two people on nights because of the way the schedule works out. Day crew numbers vary day to day but usually has at least 5. Night crew is going to be “talked to” about working faster and harder so that day crew doesn’t have to “pick up our slack”. Bearing in mind we’re doing everything they didn’t do during the day. We’ve asked for an extra person on nights. We’re not willing to stay later than we already do. I’ve been here a year, am a “level two” but I get paid a quarter (.25) above minimum wage. Apparently, the meeting is only with night crew and supervisors, not the department…

To make a long story very short, it’s the old age day crew vs night crew situation.

There are ten people on day crew, and three on nights, not including management. All nights but one (Friday) we only have two people on nights because of the way the schedule works out. Day crew numbers vary day to day but usually has at least 5.

Night crew is going to be “talked to” about working faster and harder so that day crew doesn’t have to “pick up our slack”. Bearing in mind we’re doing everything they didn’t do during the day.

We’ve asked for an extra person on nights. We’re not willing to stay later than we already do.

I’ve been here a year, am a “level two” but I get paid a quarter (.25) above minimum wage.

Apparently, the meeting is only with night crew and supervisors, not the department manager.

How do I handle this? I don’t want to blow up and lose my job but we’ve already been skipping our breaks and taking OT. I’m at the point of just saying “no. I won’t work faster and harder, even if it were possible, for nothing in return. Day crew having a bad attitude is managements problem, not mine.”

If it helps I’m in a high stress/high fatigue job, and we literally had a presentation on compassion fatigue TODAY.

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