
(Help Please) Being Disciplined for Sick Days: Is This Legal?

So, I work in an auto shop that's part of a larger store. In this store, we have two different kinds of PTO, one that will prevent you from getting points for attendance, and one that won't. I had asked for time off on a weekend that was denied. That weekend, I was sick and couldn't come into work. I called in and told the shop I was sick and couldn't come in, and I put in the correct PTO so I wouldn't get attendance points. Two weeks go by, and I'm called into the main office for the whole store. My manager lets me know I'm being disciplined for performance, saying that the shop needed to close because there wasn't anyone there for the last few hours because of my “business decisions.” I told him I was sick, and had called in sick, but he told me he hadn't…

So, I work in an auto shop that's part of a larger store. In this store, we have two different kinds of PTO, one that will prevent you from getting points for attendance, and one that won't. I had asked for time off on a weekend that was denied. That weekend, I was sick and couldn't come into work. I called in and told the shop I was sick and couldn't come in, and I put in the correct PTO so I wouldn't get attendance points. Two weeks go by, and I'm called into the main office for the whole store. My manager lets me know I'm being disciplined for performance, saying that the shop needed to close because there wasn't anyone there for the last few hours because of my “business decisions.” I told him I was sick, and had called in sick, but he told me he hadn't been informed, and so was counting this as me taking time off despite my request being denied. I asked about the PTO I'd put in, and he said that this was a discipline for performance, not attendance. I asked my coworker who picked up the phone when I'd called in sick, and he said he had told my manager, and was going to talk to him today. Is this legal? Is there anything I can do? It's not a big punishment, just a written warning, but I still feel like it's unfair.

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