
Help! Teacher needs to quit.

So I signed a teaching contract with a public school and my first day was today. I have 15 student. 11 don’t speak English so I can’t communicate with them. They’ve never been in school before and I’ve never taught immersion before plus I wasn’t told in the interview process that I would have a class like this. I’m required and evaluated on their progress. I have 10 days to get the first evaluations completed. They don’t know how to use a laptop. They don’t know how to walk in lines, carry a lunch tray, sit in circle time. But I can’t explain it in their language to help them. The school is telling us to come in before contract hours and that we have to stay with our students during lunch. They also wouldn’t let us leave school until 4:00 today. In my state it’s law that teachers have…

So I signed a teaching contract with a public school and my first day was today. I have 15 student. 11 don’t speak English so I can’t communicate with them. They’ve never been in school before and I’ve never taught immersion before plus I wasn’t told in the interview process that I would have a class like this. I’m required and evaluated on their progress. I have 10 days to get the first evaluations completed. They don’t know how to use a laptop. They don’t know how to walk in lines, carry a lunch tray, sit in circle time. But I can’t explain it in their language to help them. The school is telling us to come in before contract hours and that we have to stay with our students during lunch. They also wouldn’t let us leave school until 4:00 today. In my state it’s law that teachers have 30 minutes duty free lunch. The grade level team I was hired onto told me today they stay and plan until 5:00 most days bc our “population” of students needs/requires that type of work. I went in last weekend trying to catch up but still couldn’t get everything I needed to do done. They have taken our planning time by making us have PLC meetings, data meetings, RTI meetings and team planning meetings. I tried to talk to my administrators today to tell them I wasn’t a good fit and please release me from my contract and they turned it into me implying that I don’t want to work with this group of students. I’m devastated and burned out. I want to quit but I’m scared they will reprimand me and file a complaint against my teaching license. Any advice? Please?

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