
Help the Labor Community

The NLRB is facing a record number of labor law violations this year due to the unionization wave that has swept the country. Multi-Billion dollar corporations are retaliating against labor leaders and firing anyone who unionizes because the penalties incurred are too small; ten thousand in backpay, reinstatement, small strikes. There has to be stricter penalties – million dollar fines, stronger bargaining orders, ect. Call your congressional leader this labor day and demand more power to the National Labor Relations Board

The NLRB is facing a record number of labor law violations this year due to the unionization wave that has swept the country. Multi-Billion dollar corporations are retaliating against labor leaders and firing anyone who unionizes because the penalties incurred are too small; ten thousand in backpay, reinstatement, small strikes.

There has to be stricter penalties – million dollar fines, stronger bargaining orders, ect. Call your congressional leader this labor day and demand more power to the National Labor Relations Board

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