
Help with some shady shit happening at my job.

So I just started at a new job at a pizza place a few weeks ago and some weird stuff has been happening. ​ They haven't had me sign any employment forms. They pay all in cash. When I used an online calculator to see how I was supposed to be making after taxes they where WAY under paying me. 77% of my actual wage was being paid. They're pretty much paying me minimum wage right now. I'm like 70% sure this is wage theft and I'm 100% this is tax fraud (how would they be paying my taxes they don't have any of my information I didn't fill out any employment forms.) ​ I don't quite know what to do. Never had this happen to me before. I don't want something that's gonna get everyone there fired because I know some of those people might struggle to find another…

So I just started at a new job at a pizza place a few weeks ago and some weird stuff has been happening.

  1. They haven't had me sign any employment forms.
  2. They pay all in cash.
  3. When I used an online calculator to see how I was supposed to be making after taxes they where WAY under paying me. 77% of my actual wage was being paid. They're pretty much paying me minimum wage right now.

I'm like 70% sure this is wage theft and I'm 100% this is tax fraud (how would they be paying my taxes they don't have any of my information I didn't fill out any employment forms.)

I don't quite know what to do. Never had this happen to me before. I don't want something that's gonna get everyone there fired because I know some of those people might struggle to find another job.

Thank you for your help!


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