
Help writing anonymous email

So a little background: I work at a small hospital in a small city doing housekeeping. Recently our supervisor (call him D), whom everyone liked for the most part, resigned to take a better job. The lead under him, (call him M) who’s direct supervisor between D and I, has been tapped to be the main supervisor until a permanent replacement for D is found. Since they value in-house promotion, M has good experience and has been with the org a while, he has a chance of getting promoted to the permanent supervisor role. This is not good. He’s a macho, napoleon complex, micro managing chronic sexual harasser. Pretty much none of us wants him to get it but nobody knows where to express this for fear of him finding out and negatively impacting the work environment while he is our supervisor. I’m considering writing an anonymous email expressing this…

So a little background:

I work at a small hospital in a small city doing housekeeping. Recently our supervisor (call him D), whom everyone liked for the most part, resigned to take a better job. The lead under him, (call him M) who’s direct supervisor between D and I, has been tapped to be the main supervisor until a permanent replacement for D is found.

Since they value in-house promotion, M has good experience and has been with the org a while, he has a chance of getting promoted to the permanent supervisor role. This is not good. He’s a macho, napoleon complex, micro managing chronic sexual harasser. Pretty much none of us wants him to get it but nobody knows where to express this for fear of him finding out and negatively impacting the work environment while he is our supervisor.

I’m considering writing an anonymous email expressing this to HR but I’m not sure if it’s the best option or even how I’d go about it if I decided it was.

I value the insight of this sub- anyone got any tips??

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