
Here I sit on my 15 minute break

I work in a wealthy part of Concord, NC at a fairly large discount retail store. Average transactions in the high 80’s while I only make 15.50 working MAYBE 36 hours a week, classified full time AND a key holder. I would LOVE to make enough to have that kind of expendable income, but as of right now, with my hours, I’ll make a little north of $21,500 in a year here. I have 10 years experience in retail and that’s what I make. I can’t afford to go part time and go to school, I can’t afford to quit and find another job. I just have to suck it up and smile at these people spending what I never could while I struggle to even eat lunch. Something’s gotta give man.

I work in a wealthy part of Concord, NC at a fairly large discount retail store. Average transactions in the high 80’s while I only make 15.50 working MAYBE 36 hours a week, classified full time AND a key holder. I would LOVE to make enough to have that kind of expendable income, but as of right now, with my hours, I’ll make a little north of $21,500 in a year here. I have 10 years experience in retail and that’s what I make. I can’t afford to go part time and go to school, I can’t afford to quit and find another job. I just have to suck it up and smile at these people spending what I never could while I struggle to even eat lunch.
Something’s gotta give man.

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