
Here is why you can’t compete with an outsourced worker: their resume is fake and they learn on the job.

My husband years ago was recruited for a training company to be a QA (with zero tech experience) through his mosque. It was based in Virginia, and when he arrived they were housing 10 H1B workers to a house, with sleeping bags, and they spent their days learning to talk about their entirely fabricated resumes, they would have a professional interview via webcam for you to get hired, then blackmail the workers for up to 70% of their salary, which for immigrants was still more money then they’d ever seen. They use the stereotype of Indians being good with tech but the reality is, Indians are helping their own get into American companies by any means necessary to escape poverty in India. They didn’t know my husband was a citizen and naturalized so they were unable to blackmail him(though they tried!) and he used the fake resume to break into…

My husband years ago was recruited for a training company to be a QA (with zero tech experience) through his mosque.

It was based in Virginia, and when he arrived they were housing 10 H1B workers to a house, with sleeping bags, and they spent their days learning to talk about their entirely fabricated resumes, they would have a professional interview via webcam for you to get hired, then blackmail the workers for up to 70% of their salary, which for immigrants was still more money then they’d ever seen.

They use the stereotype of Indians being good with tech but the reality is, Indians are helping their own get into American companies by any means necessary to escape poverty in India.

They didn’t know my husband was a citizen and naturalized so they were unable to blackmail him(though they tried!) and he used the fake resume to break into tech. 8 years later he is now on the other side doing the interviews for a company that works with one of these many scam recruitment firms (this one based in Mexico).

The first few interviews are abysmal, the people have a resume spanning almost a decade of IT in QA, but they can’t explain simple terms or the job itself. And they even switch people mid interview screwing with the camera, which he remembers from his time working with the virginia company scammers himself. They insist the recruitment worker listen in on interviews as well, and they prepare the next candidate with knowledge of the questions that were asked.

It seems through 3 companies he has had the experience that white American coworkers are totally oblivious to how rampant these multi level scams are to get foreign and H1B workers into companies on the ground level (and the 3rd party hiring company gets a great payoff).

This is happening on a wide scale for both small start ups and major corporations- actually it’s much more prolific at large companies like Siemens. He actually worked for a few months for them as a side job along with his regular, with virtual coworkers in India who were working 80 hours weeks and who threatened to not log his hours for work if he didn’t attend 8pm meetings, work weekends, things like that. He quit suddenly and the manager in India actually called him and verbally threatened that he would never be hired any where again, lol.

Meanwhile his foreign coworkers know what’s up, are open to helping train these workers more to give them a leg up, and keep it hush hush. It’s exploitation for everyone. But don’t be surprised the next time you get passed up for an offshore team, or you are the only American worker with people who seem incompetent, because it’s cheaper for your company, they literally turns blind eye to it, they don’t care.

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