
Here we go again. The vote blue no matter who people are back.

It’s that time of the year again folks. The time when people think they can talk down to us and convince us that we are responsible for the fascist takeover that is happening in this country. Every election…. Every fucking election the democrats come out and shame people for not accepting that doing jack shit is acceptable as long as they’re not republicans. Democrats have done everything they can to silence workers and their unions. Their people have infiltrated union leadership and would rather make the Democratic Party look good than demand better of them. By all means, please vote, but vote for who aligns with you. Vote third party, write in a candidate, but do not vote for the lesser of two evils if you do not feel comfortable doing so. Democrats and republicans both serve their donors, not the people. To me, that’s not acceptable and will not…

It’s that time of the year again folks. The time when people think they can talk down to us and convince us that we are responsible for the fascist takeover that is happening in this country. Every election…. Every fucking election the democrats come out and shame people for not accepting that doing jack shit is acceptable as long as they’re not republicans. Democrats have done everything they can to silence workers and their unions. Their people have infiltrated union leadership and would rather make the Democratic Party look good than demand better of them.

By all means, please vote, but vote for who aligns with you. Vote third party, write in a candidate, but do not vote for the lesser of two evils if you do not feel comfortable doing so. Democrats and republicans both serve their donors, not the people. To me, that’s not acceptable and will not earn my vote.

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