
Here’s a hat for your sacrifice

I work for a fortune 50 company that dedicates an entire team of people to plan things that celebrate the companies veterans during November. This year the team of people managed to come up with; a hat (that has the company name and logo on it) and 2 zoom meetings to tell us thanks. To add insult to injury they were expecting me to drive into the office on my day off to pickup the hat….. It’s astounding to me that a multi billion dollar company can justify spending next to nothing on a small percentage of their workforce that they want to “celebrate”. Do you know what I would really like for Veterans Day? A fucking paid day off.

I work for a fortune 50 company that dedicates an entire team of people to plan things that celebrate the companies veterans during November. This year the team of people managed to come up with; a hat (that has the company name and logo on it) and 2 zoom meetings to tell us thanks.

To add insult to injury they were expecting me to drive into the office on my day off to pickup the hat…..

It’s astounding to me that a multi billion dollar company can justify spending next to nothing on a small percentage of their workforce that they want to “celebrate”. Do you know what I would really like for Veterans Day? A fucking paid day off.

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