
Hi y’all, just want to share a little win :)

Sooo, I get hired at a gas station. I tell them my preferred pay, they say they simply cannot meet it, and since they are the first out of 30 jobs I applied to, I accepted. It was a low moment to accept a job out of pure desperation, knowing I wouldn't be able to pay my bills with what they would pay me. But I stuck it out, because a job is better than no job. I work at this gas station for a week. Turns out not only is the pay bad, but the job sucks. The schedule is inconsistent af, the culture is toxic, the coworkers are demeaning and demanding, and the job is at least two people's worth of work done by only one person. Aaaand of course, no benefits. I promise myself I'll keep applying to jobs and hope something better comes along before I…

Sooo, I get hired at a gas station. I tell them my preferred pay, they say they simply cannot meet it, and since they are the first out of 30 jobs I applied to, I accepted. It was a low moment to accept a job out of pure desperation, knowing I wouldn't be able to pay my bills with what they would pay me. But I stuck it out, because a job is better than no job.

I work at this gas station for a week. Turns out not only is the pay bad, but the job sucks. The schedule is inconsistent af, the culture is toxic, the coworkers are demeaning and demanding, and the job is at least two people's worth of work done by only one person. Aaaand of course, no benefits. I promise myself I'll keep applying to jobs and hope something better comes along before I surely perish, because that gas station bs ain't worth a dime.

And then- it happens. The clouds part, beautiful sun rays shine down on my face, I'm blessed by the capitalist gods, as they gift me a position at an objectively better job in every way. Not only is the pay livable, now I can save! There's a sign on bonus!! The supervisors and coworkers I met so far are mature and friendly!!! The schedule is consistent!!!! All the benefits. And the job, while physically demanding, is actually worth the amount of work I'm doing now.

I put in my resignation immediately. No two weeks notice, not worth it, I only worked there for a week lol. Well guess what wild card these mfs toss out of their uno deck hmmmm?! The gas station manager offers me a significant pay increase to stay, something they assured me before was just not at all possible. Funny tho, they couldn't even match the pay from the new job, or any of the new jobs benefits. Didn't even bother answering their silly texts.

It's not true, what these dummies say. We do want to work. Unsurprisingly, we also want to be able to live. Never. Settle. For. Less. You're worth it.

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