
Highly toxic boss! Should I quit or stay?

This is my first job as project manager at a software company. It's been 3 months I joined the job and I found my boss is highly toxic. Every now and then, he enters the devs room, picks someone and shouts at him. Besides there are no breaks, no any motivation, no appreciation, no celebration, no extra activities. Just work, work and work even during holidays and festivals. This is the second time he shouted at me in front of all for no valid reason, for a project task i wasn't meant to be looking after. Last time he blamed me for the mistakes I didn't commit, I countered him back in front of all and he didn't enter the room for next 2 days. This time I didn't speak a word, stayed silent, thinking about quitting this toxic job place in few days. I have always thought of quiting…

This is my first job as project manager at a software company. It's been 3 months I joined the job and I found my boss is highly toxic. Every now and then, he enters the devs room, picks someone and shouts at him. Besides there are no breaks, no any motivation, no appreciation, no celebration, no extra activities. Just work, work and work even during holidays and festivals.

This is the second time he shouted at me in front of all for no valid reason, for a project task i wasn't meant to be looking after. Last time he blamed me for the mistakes I didn't commit, I countered him back in front of all and he didn't enter the room for next 2 days. This time I didn't speak a word, stayed silent, thinking about quitting this toxic job place in few days.

I have always thought of quiting the job here whenever I see the boss behaving shit to the devs. The problem with the devs here is they are used to his sick behavior, have no guts to speak even when they are not wrong and working without any self respect. The dev team, often talk about resigning when the boss is not around or whenever we party on weekends. But no one has ever stood against the boss or have quit so far.

Am I doing the right thing quiting the job? Or should I be staying there like other devs bearing his sick behavior for the sake of just months/years of more experience in CV!

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