
“hiring crisis” my ass.

I (17) have been applying to jobs since this past April. In that time, I have applied to every job near me that 1) claims to hire minors and 2) claims to be hiring. Out of all of that, I've only gotten two interviews: one ended early because it turns out they don't hire anyone under 18, and I got an email today informing me that I have not been invited to the second round of interviews. I'm honestly sick of this. I have previous retail experience, I'm able to work closing shifts with no problem because of where these jobs were located, and half the time, I don't even get any sort of email or call confirming my application.

I (17) have been applying to jobs since this past April. In that time, I have applied to every job near me that 1) claims to hire minors and 2) claims to be hiring. Out of all of that, I've only gotten two interviews: one ended early because it turns out they don't hire anyone under 18, and I got an email today informing me that I have not been invited to the second round of interviews.

I'm honestly sick of this. I have previous retail experience, I'm able to work closing shifts with no problem because of where these jobs were located, and half the time, I don't even get any sort of email or call confirming my application.

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