
Hiring freeze versus layoffs

I work for a large global company, around 40k employees. CEO just made comments in one of our recurring “all-hands” meetings that the hiring freeze they put into place in January was the alternative to doing layoffs.. his exact words were something along the lines of “we would rather let the attrition happen naturally”. They literally wanted people to quit. Explains why they forced us back into the office too, under the guise of “collaboration”.. The people that havent quit by now are now all over worked, forced to come into the office, morale is terrible… no one is “collaborating”.. This was done so they could avoid severance and unemployment benefits. And then, later the CEO has the balls to say “a little recession might not be a bad thing for our company”…. unreal how out of touch this guy is with his employee base.. Super frustrating and posting this…

I work for a large global company, around 40k employees. CEO just made comments in one of our recurring “all-hands” meetings that the hiring freeze they put into place in January was the alternative to doing layoffs.. his exact words were something along the lines of “we would rather let the attrition happen naturally”. They literally wanted people to quit. Explains why they forced us back into the office too, under the guise of “collaboration”..

The people that havent quit by now are now all over worked, forced to come into the office, morale is terrible… no one is “collaborating”.. This was done so they could avoid severance and unemployment benefits.

And then, later the CEO has the balls to say “a little recession might not be a bad thing for our company”…. unreal how out of touch this guy is with his employee base..

Super frustrating and posting this just helps me vent. Thanks

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