
Hiring manager wanted me to work for free, offered lower pay than job listing stated

Some prior info: I am certified in several coding languages and software programs, and I studied at a state technical school for a 4-year IT diploma (not a degree, but most of the work that a degree would require and is considered by many employers as an equivalency) because I can't afford to go to college. I'm currently employed as a coding teacher for a school system. The hours are minimal, but the pay is great, so I was looking for a similar job to do to make some extra money. I applied to teach at a coding-specific meant for kids and teens for an extracurricular activity, because I am knowledgable with the material and teaching is my passion, and I have experience doing the exact same thing. Listing said $20/hr which I wasn't thrilled about, especially with my experience and credentials, but beats the alternative of being broke. Hiring…

Some prior info: I am certified in several coding languages and software programs, and I studied at a state technical school for a 4-year IT diploma (not a degree, but most of the work that a degree would require and is considered by many employers as an equivalency) because I can't afford to go to college.

I'm currently employed as a coding teacher for a school system. The hours are minimal, but the pay is great, so I was looking for a similar job to do to make some extra money.

I applied to teach at a coding-specific meant for kids and teens for an extracurricular activity, because I am knowledgable with the material and teaching is my passion, and I have experience doing the exact same thing.

Listing said $20/hr which I wasn't thrilled about, especially with my experience and credentials, but beats the alternative of being broke. Hiring manager and I had a phone interview which went very well, and I was invited to come tour the school and get a look at a normal day of work.

I get to the school 30 mins before the class starts. Very silicon valley type of place, which I personally hate the vibe of, but oh well. A manager there gives me the rundown, shows me their software, sites, etc. Cool, normal stuff.

Then, the manager and two other employees just start talking shit about the hiring manager, right in front of me, about how what she asks of them is ridiculous. One of the employees asks me what I'm doing here, if I'm being paid for my time today. She was shocked, and we kind of looked at each other with antiwork solidarity, and she says “if you're not being paid, don't do anything for these people for free.” (If you are reading this, cool coding friend, please don't tell anyone about this post lmao)

Then, class starts. Manager flits off somewhere to do her own work, but is also sort of keeping an eye on the class. A new hire is teaching the class.

And they just… expected me to sit there and watch an entire class for an hour? Nobody spoke to me, I was just kind of there.

The teacher was having an issue with one of the kid's code, and invited me to help. There were also some math issues I was asked to help with several times during the hour. It honestly just felt like I was donating my time for training, and simultaneously being ignored by the managers.

Anyway, they expected me to stay for ANOTHER hour and watch a different kind of class (donate more time?). I told them at the beginning of the tour when I needed to leave, and manager was sort of flustered when I told her I needed to go.

So I get a call from the hiring manager this morning, who asked about my credentials, and my diploma, and broke it to me that if I wanted to work there, they'd only be paying me $16/hr? $16??? When I currently make up to $60/hr with my school system?? Fuck no.

“Well, if you stay with us for 90 days, we can raise your pay to $17/hr!”

I am bad with confrontation, so I just said “haha yeaah that's great” and got off the phone with them. They're asking me for all of my background check info and to do paperwork for them now. You know, things that I could've been doing at the location when I was sitting for an hour doing absolutely nothing, and WORKING FOR FREE.

That's all for now. Any advice on where I should go from here regarding this place?

Edit: wording

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