
Hiring process in Multinationals are becoming a joke .

I applied for a job with a higher position in a multinational (wont mention the name obviously), with 5 years of experience in my current position and total of 11 years experience in the field. I got a call, cleared all the screening tests, technical tests, leadership related tests and at the end they offered me a position which is low in pay and a step lower than my current profile WTF!!!!. At this point i asked the HR whats the point of all this, you wasted 3 days of my time in which i had to some how give these tests and interviews taking time out of my current job, skipping lunch breaks and after clearing all of it you low ball me on the offer, I wouldve taken a rejection at this point more than all this nonsense…..

I applied for a job with a higher position in a multinational (wont mention the name obviously), with 5 years of experience in my current position and total of 11 years experience in the field. I got a call, cleared all the screening tests, technical tests, leadership related tests and at the end they offered me a position which is low in pay and a step lower than my current profile WTF!!!!. At this point i asked the HR whats the point of all this, you wasted 3 days of my time in which i had to some how give these tests and interviews taking time out of my current job, skipping lunch breaks and after clearing all of it you low ball me on the offer, I wouldve taken a rejection at this point more than all this nonsense…..

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