
Honest question.

This might be dumb but, idk lol. So I keep seeing a common sentiment here that goes a bit like “revolution!! When???” And then quickly followed up with “okay, then what?!” Let me first say that I agree. This shits got to go! But how? Let's say for example we succeed in a general strike, the world's at a stand still waiting on everyone else's next move. How do we move forward? WHEN do we move forward, at some point the foods gonna run out, powers gonna go out, gas is gonna run out, etc. right? Cuz we're striking, full stop until…. What? Here's my question, but it requires some setup, we already pretty much have 'systems', so to speak, in place that allow people to have and maintain a decent quality of life/standard of living, Obviously the means of acquiring that have been tipped in favor of exploitation. So…

This might be dumb but, idk lol. So I keep seeing a common sentiment here that goes a bit like “revolution!! When???” And then quickly followed up with “okay, then what?!”

Let me first say that I agree. This shits got to go! But how? Let's say for example we succeed in a general strike, the world's at a stand still waiting on everyone else's next move. How do we move forward? WHEN do we move forward, at some point the foods gonna run out, powers gonna go out, gas is gonna run out, etc. right? Cuz we're striking, full stop until…. What?

Here's my question, but it requires some setup, we already pretty much have 'systems', so to speak, in place that allow people to have and maintain a decent quality of life/standard of living, Obviously the means of acquiring that have been tipped in favor of exploitation. So why not utilize the systems directly, not just strike, but reappropriate. We have a means to govern ourselves, we have the means to track goods and services and their value, hell we even have a global means of direct communication. It seems the workers only real roadblock to this end would be police or military push back. Which could get bloody, it has in the past. So, yeah. Could a General Reappropriation work? Just a thought. Take care everyone, drink water please. 🙂

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