
Honestly at the end of my rope. Don’t know what the next step feasibly is.

I work as an estimator in a small but prosperous company. In the time I’ve worked there I’ve raised the sales amount per year from 1.45 million in 2017, up to 18 million last year. I haven’t received a raise of any sort since 2018 and that was only 1%. The money was ok a few years ago. Now, with skyrocketing gas prices and grocery prices and utilities increasing every month, I am really struggling. Plus in the last year I had to do a complete kitchen remodel, and some flooring repairs in my house, plus I had covid so there’s new medical debt. I’m having to take out personal loans to get by. I went to my boss and told him the truth, that I’m struggling and due to my success at sales and the fact that I haven’t had a raise in several years, I wanted to ask…

I work as an estimator in a small but prosperous company. In the time I’ve worked there I’ve raised the sales amount per year from 1.45 million in 2017, up to 18 million last year. I haven’t received a raise of any sort since 2018 and that was only 1%. The money was ok a few years ago. Now, with skyrocketing gas prices and grocery prices and utilities increasing every month, I am really struggling. Plus in the last year I had to do a complete kitchen remodel, and some flooring repairs in my house, plus I had covid so there’s new medical debt. I’m having to take out personal loans to get by.

I went to my boss and told him the truth, that I’m struggling and due to my success at sales and the fact that I haven’t had a raise in several years, I wanted to ask for a raise or a bonus structure. He said “we’ll discuss it later.” I found out that evening that my husband’s credit has reached its limit on loans and he can’t get approved for more. I tried my own and found out that since he moved me to 1099 status in August, I no longer qualify for a loan of any sort until I have two years of tax returns to prove my income.

Today he was at the office and I tried appealing to him again. I told him I’ve been using personal loans but that’s no longer an option and if he’s not open to a raise or a bonus, then I want to be put back on payroll. At least then my taxes wouldn’t be so high, and I’d have pay stubs again. He said “we’ll discuss it later. For now focus on figuring out why this particular project is over budget”.

I’ve been job hunting for months. I asked others in my field to help revamp my resume and they did, and I still haven’t gotten a single interview. I don’t know where to go from here. Feels like we’re kinda screwed.

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