
Horrible boss/coworkers – need advice

Let me give you the lowdown and I appreciate any advice you can give me. I’m a hardworking, show up every day, caring millennial. I work in the medical field. I have several medical certifications and graduated college with a medical degree. I’ve been at my job for 5 years. My direct manager is the worst human- very toxic, complains out loud daily, negative and complains about her husband and kids often. I’ve stuck it out this long because I’m loyal but also don’t love job hopping. In the last 5 years I've seen good and bad employees leave; I’ve dealt with coworkers yelling, cursing, belittling me and etc in front of my coworkers, manager and doctors with little to no repercussion from my manager. My manager also doesn’t like me for whatever reason but it seems to bother her when I challenge the status quo or bring concerns to…

Let me give you the lowdown and I appreciate any advice you can give me.

I’m a hardworking, show up every day, caring millennial. I work in the medical field. I have several medical certifications and graduated college with a medical degree. I’ve been at my job for 5 years. My direct manager is the worst human- very toxic, complains out loud daily, negative and complains about her husband and kids often. I’ve stuck it out this long because I’m loyal but also don’t love job hopping. In the last 5 years I've seen good and bad employees leave; I’ve dealt with coworkers yelling, cursing, belittling me and etc in front of my coworkers, manager and doctors with little to no repercussion from my manager. My manager also doesn’t like me for whatever reason but it seems to bother her when I challenge the status quo or bring concerns to the surface; she basically doesn’t want to deal with anything so she doesn’t want you to complain about anything. Within the last few months I’ve stepped down from any authority or title in my department. This helped my mental health a lot, but I’m still struggling. I have a wonderful family at home and my home life is great, but when I come to work the 20 something’s I work with do not speak to me, respect me or acknowledge me. Basically my manager has created a toxic in your face environment approach. Recently a coworker aggressively approached me in front of coworkers to tell me “how a few coworkers have a problem with me, my helping comments are annoying and claims I stir the pot”. I tried to ask for examples and she had none. I legit told her I’m confused as I come in, work and don’t talk to anyone and leave (that’s what it’s gotten to be at this point that works the best). I then spoke with my manager after and said how I’m feeling unhappy here, that I feel anything I say will get misconstrued by my coworkers/taken as a threat, that I obviously don’t feel liked or appreciated for what I bring to the table and that my manager doesn’t address issues correctly; I also told her I may consider looking for a new job based on how I feel. She then tells me, “well maybe you should look for a new job, I just don’t feel that you mesh with these 20 something’s and when you make comments to improve their work or offer help they take it as you’re annoying, I can’t make them like you or be nice to you. I also feel like you’ve gone in waves in the last 5 years having issues with certain people.”

I was stunned that she told me to look for a new job. So that’s what I’m doing- basically that was the wake up call that I needed. I just don’t understand how some humans can be so terrible?! My husband suggests I tell the higher ups what I’ve been dealing with in order for some change to happen but I know it won’t change, the higher ups basically don’t want to hear it either.

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