
Hospital A likes “At-Will” workers until the shoe is on the other foot and Employees leave for Hospital B when you could have just paid your workers what they were worth.

Thetacare has no case against Ascension… The only way they had a case is if somebody from Hospital B straight up came up into Hospital A, broad daylight boldly stating while in-said hospital that “hey we are going to pay this much + benefits..” to the workers “come work with us”.. That isn't the case, those “at-will” workers of their own volition did their own research, pitched to Hospital A why they are leaving and gave them an out to rectify that before they leave.. Hospital A said “No; essentially you're a waste of time and resources to keep you if we did that”, as a result employees left.. If anybody has a case it would be Hospital B for dragging them in and wasting their own time and financial loss for doing so, Not to mention the employees who are put in an injunction limbo, and the employees even…

Thetacare has no case against Ascension… The only way they had a case is if somebody from Hospital B straight up came up into Hospital A, broad daylight boldly stating while in-said hospital that “hey we are going to pay this much + benefits..” to the workers “come work with us”.. That isn't the case, those “at-will” workers of their own volition did their own research, pitched to Hospital A why they are leaving and gave them an out to rectify that before they leave.. Hospital A said “No; essentially you're a waste of time and resources to keep you if we did that”, as a result employees left..
If anybody has a case it would be Hospital B for dragging them in and wasting their own time and financial loss for doing so, Not to mention the employees who are put in an injunction limbo, and the employees even though they are “at-will” can do a class action lawsuit against Hospital A for essentially using them as pawns or bargaining chips to not allow them to do their own job and leave one “at-will” place to another.. I'm sorry what part of “at-will” do these idiots not understand that Hospital A?
There's so many repercussions that are going to come back and bite the first hospital square in the ass. An “At-Will” contract is all well and good and fun when it's in your favor as a corporation but as soon as it doesn't work in your favor the shoes on the other foot, now you want to freak out and be petty, You can't have it both ways.
I love how the dipsh*t CEO wanted to try and then blame the media for “spinning” instead of the fact that the truth came out about said CEO, job structure there and how the hospital is being run, like no bud, you were just called-out and found out in national headlines for being slimy, FURTHER And however many certain terms of time no one wants to come work with you. The way they did this makes it excruciatingly worse why those employees left you And why no one should come work with you. In the short term, yes it was going to cost but now it's going to cost even more negatively for Hospital A. This whole thing was short-sighted and stupid on their part.

Credit to This Story comes from here:

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