
Hostile workplace

I'm a contractor working in an oil refinery. And I'm stressed right the fuck out. *On mobile sorry for formatting. Where I am, I'm in the minority. I take the pandemic seriously. I have underlying health conditions and am more likely to have complications if I were to get COVID. There's one unit/area in the refinery that is run by antimaskers. 80-90% of personnel; employees and contractors don't wear masks. Despite it being required by site. This sucks. Yesterday I had to go to this unit to do some work. I was bothered by the lack of compliance. But I know there's different opinions on the matter and I'm triple vaxxed so normally I would just wear my mask, social distance and go about my business. Here's the thing though… It's not just that they don't wear masks anymore. Now they are actively hostile to those that wear masks. You…

I'm a contractor working in an oil refinery. And I'm stressed right the fuck out.

*On mobile sorry for formatting.

Where I am, I'm in the minority. I take the pandemic seriously. I have underlying health conditions and am more likely to have complications if I were to get COVID.

There's one unit/area in the refinery that is run by antimaskers. 80-90% of personnel; employees and contractors don't wear masks. Despite it being required by site. This sucks. Yesterday I had to go to this unit to do some work. I was bothered by the lack of compliance. But I know there's different opinions on the matter and I'm triple vaxxed so normally I would just wear my mask, social distance and go about my business.

Here's the thing though… It's not just that they don't wear masks anymore. Now they are actively hostile to those that wear masks. You can see a visceral reaction of disgust when they see someone wearing a mask. It's obvious.

I went to the permit counter and signed in and was essentially snarled at. WTF? Have your opinion on your own time and be professional in the mean time.

I reported the hostile work environment and refused to do any job that required me to go to this part of the refinery. The site can't tell me I have to wear a mask and then have site employees harass me for wearing a mask, right!?!

Now I'm stressed that there could be repercussions. I know my rights and I know they won't/can't legally punish me for standing up for my self.

But I've struggled with mental health issues that are grounded in financial insecurity. If I lose my job there's a good chance I'll never have the ability to get out of debt and “hopefully” come out of the dark place I've been in.

I'd won't be harassed. But if I'm blacklisted from my industry i'm fucked. Like give up on life there's no point in continuing fucked.

I know I did the right thing, the only reasonable thing. But I'm so worried that I'm fucked regardless.

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