
It’s not a negotiation unless you can walk away.

Whether you're starting off in life as a youngster, Or carrying the responsibilities of family, disease or vulnerability, The key principle i wish i had learned upfront, is that it's not a negotiation unless you can walk away from the table. Employers or manipulative people will work to close your options so that you're unable to negotiate. Or at the very least convince you that you have no choice. But the best thing you can do is to always be in a position to negotiate (and hopefully increase the money you get paid). Is to continuously identify and prepare options. Whether you use them or not, plan B and plan C provide you the capability to walk away from shitty situations. And underpin the ability to negotiate. Always ready options, and when you're running low, work hard to create some. An option, could be as simple as constantly applying for…

Whether you're starting off in life as a youngster,
Or carrying the responsibilities of family, disease or vulnerability,

The key principle i wish i had learned upfront, is that it's not a negotiation unless you can walk away from the table.

Employers or manipulative people will work to close your options so that you're unable to negotiate. Or at the very least convince you that you have no choice.

But the best thing you can do is to always be in a position to negotiate (and hopefully increase the money you get paid). Is to continuously identify and prepare options. Whether you use them or not, plan B and plan C provide you the capability to walk away from shitty situations. And underpin the ability to negotiate.

Always ready options, and when you're running low, work hard to create some.

An option, could be as simple as constantly applying for other jobs so there are always other offers for you to consider. OR as drastic as having a backup plan to downsize the family home and/or move in family to reduce costs…

Give yourself the benefit of having strong options, which is at the heart of giving you confidence to walk away from the negotiating table.

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