
Hostility over leaving ON TIME every day…

My supervisor today came up to me as I was leaving and commented about how I'm always coming and going like clockwork, her words. How I don't stay late every day. And she said, without actually coming out and saying it, that I ought to be staying late every day. ​ But…I'm leaving when I'm scheduled to leave. I'm worried that I'll be getting corrective action if I don't stay late…? Some people do stay late yes, and in fact this supervisor stays late every single day for seemingly no reason. We aren't overly busy. It's business as usual every day. ​ Yes, if there's work still to be done at the end of the day I'll stay a bit later and help catch us up, but if I'm working 6 a.m to 2:30 pm you bet your ass I'm outta there at 2:30. ​ So my question is: Does…

My supervisor today came up to me as I was leaving and commented about how I'm always coming and going like clockwork, her words. How I don't stay late every day. And she said, without actually coming out and saying it, that I ought to be staying late every day.

But…I'm leaving when I'm scheduled to leave. I'm worried that I'll be getting corrective action if I don't stay late…? Some people do stay late yes, and in fact this supervisor stays late every single day for seemingly no reason. We aren't overly busy. It's business as usual every day.

Yes, if there's work still to be done at the end of the day I'll stay a bit later and help catch us up, but if I'm working 6 a.m to 2:30 pm you bet your ass I'm outta there at 2:30.

So my question is: Does she have any grounds to punish me if I continue to work my scheduled hours and those hours alone? How do I tell her I'm just working and not enslaved? I could use some advice. I feel put in a very difficult position. She's the type of supervisor who, if pushed on the topic, will claim “family” and “Teamwork” and “good spirit” above all else…

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